In the world of procurement and internal auditing, and policy compliance, it’s easy to focus on the negatives when we communicate with our cardholders on policy.
Non-compliance. Split transactions. Fraud. Maverick/rogue spend.
These are all important conversations to have, and it’s not always easy. It’s important to acknowledge and recognize cardholders in your organization that are compliant with and cognizant of your policy. We’ve prepared a video that you can view below which details some ways you can go about this.
Communicate effectively with cardholders, no matter the reason (or season).
Check out our recent blog post, Workplace Communication: Quick Tips For Procurement Managers, for some best practices.
Good communication starts with training.
Much of policy compliance is born out of ignorance rather than outright disregard for the rules. A solid bedrock of training can go a long way to improving your cardholders’ understanding of your policy. View the eGuide below to discover 24 individual best practices for starting up a cardholder training program (or improving one that already exists).

Blog post originally published December 2022. Updated November 2023.