Services for Advancing Manufacturing Companies
Controlling Costs and Driving Growth
When financial leaders and managers continue to find ways to control costs there is more than cost savings that can result. Finance teams and procurement professionals who embrace advanced technology have a leading edge in mitigating risks and saving resources and time. Whether your corporation is a Global 2000 company or a mid-sized business, these types of results have the potential to also drive innovation and growth.
Discover the possibilities of cost control with Card Integrity’s DataWISE.
Corporate spending can get out of control without the right measures in place. Card Integrity’s flagship service, DataWISE, helps leading manufacturers to bring visibility to expenses with these goals in mind.
Policy Compliance
DataWISE monitors expenses to detect red flags in transactions. Reporting is based on your policies to aid in mitigating financial risks.

Learn More About Each of Our Solutions
DataWISE: Expense Data Monitoring
Expense monitoring comes with a team of financial professionals and an in-house tool to track hundreds of red flags, looking for patterns and trends in expense data.
InvoiceWISE: Duplicate Detection
Card Integrity has expense monitoring for all kinds of expenses, including reviewing expense data and tracking for duplicate expenses across expense types.
ReceiptWISE: Receipt Validation
An often paper-centric, mandatory, and time-consuming process. Yet, these challenges can be resolved with an outsourced receipt validation solution.
TrainingWISE: Online Cardholder Training
Our online cardholder training service can keep your team consistently and conveniently informed on your card program’s policies with customized courses tailored to suit your organization.
Additional Resources:
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Upcoming Purchasing and Auditing Conferences
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