Card Integrity Communications

4 Types of Employee Fraud That Could Hide in Your Corporate Expenses

4 Types of Employee Fraud That Could Hide in Your Corporate Expenses

One of the biggest challenges that Accounts Payable departments face is not only identifying employee fraud and misuse—which on its own can be a daunting task—but also being able to do so across all the various expenses and expense pay methods used by the company. Various expenses and methods of payment mean various ways to

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Showing appreciation among employees during National Procurement Month

How to Show Your Appreciation During National Procurement Month

National Procurement Month is celebrated throughout the month of March and is dedicated to honoring purchasing professionals. This is a great time to show your appreciation for the dedication of your procurement team and all the hard work they do throughout the year. There are several ways to prepare for National Procurement Month, but this

How to Show Your Appreciation During National Procurement Month Read More »

Workers using Amazon Business

Amazon Business: Avoiding Personal Purchasing Pitfalls

Allowing employees to make business purchases via online accounts—specifically Amazon Business—has gained significant popularity in recent years. It is now safe to say it is more than a trend, and there is a good chance your organization already uses it. Like all avenues of business purchasing, however, such accounts have their pros and cons. How

Amazon Business: Avoiding Personal Purchasing Pitfalls Read More »

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