Our Story
Our Beginning
Card Integrity’s story begins in 2008, when businesses dealt with financial instability. With a background in sourcing and a knack for information systems and strategic planning, Doug Hindsley, now a senior partner at Card Integrity, noticed how expense review processes were easily overlooked. However, these internal controls could unlock hidden potential to help businesses both during daily routines as well as amid times of financial struggle. He had his mind set on discovering solutions to the common spending pitfalls in finance, audit, and procurement. His findings began with identifying specific issues hidden in spending data, but also indicated a deeper problem with overall visibility. He took a deep dive into the data and identified beneficial ways to apply analytics to make financial processes more efficient and insightful. Expanding on this business idea, Anita Hindsley, now a director at Card Integrity, noticed how she could improve compliance related to corporate spending policies with training. They acted on their vision and formed a business to cover strategies and internal controls surrounding the review process.
Many businesses still rely on manual processes for transaction reconciliation. That was true in 2008 and remains true today in many cases. This traditional method allows violations to slip through the cracks, leading to wasteful spending, overspending, and non-compliance. By leveraging data and emphasizing communication, the Card Integrity services are an excellent fit for organizations keen on identifying issues, reporting them, and improving process efficiencies.
An analytical software tool, affectionately dubbed “The Tool”, was developed to safeguard these expenses. This system could identify discrepancies, patterns, and trends in transaction data. Doug and Anita soon expanded the services to include different payment types, took the plunge, and founded Card Integrity: taking The Tool to clients. That was the moment when Card Integrity was born from humble beginnings—out of a recession with just a few clients to the business’s name.
The Card Integrity Owl
You may have noticed that here at Card Integrity, we love our owls! The owl has been part of the Card Integrity logo since its inception. With its keen eye, wisdom, and ability to take flight, it served as a great symbol of Card Integrity’s reporting capabilities, and how we hone in on easily missed details in your expenses. While we didn’t start as owl enthusiasts, we have certainly developed a kindred connection with the owl as time has gone on, and so it’s become an integral part of our brand.
Our Growth
Card Integrity grew exponentially. Clients in healthcare, higher education, financial, domestic, foreign, Fortune 100, global enterprises, mid-sized businesses, government, infrastructure, military, not-for-profit, and pharmaceutical companies, both private and public, now count on Card Integrity to safeguard their expenses. Today, Card Integrity offers end-to-end solutions for strategic sourcing, expense monitoring, and compliance training, helping businesses identify cost-saving measures, increase efficiency, and reduce risk.
Card Integrity’s journey shows that there is always room for growth and innovation, even during difficult times. We remember those humble beginnings as we do business today, helping procurement, finance, auditing, and sourcing professionals in departments large and small save time, company dollars, and to strengthen their internal controls.
Contact Us Today
We’d love to hear from you and brainstorm the goals that your finance or procurement team would like to meet. Call us at 1.630.501.1507 or fill out the form below to get in touch!