Expense Tips

Making decisions on which suppliers to use is what sourcing is in an eggshell.

How Data Monitoring Can Improve Strategic Sourcing Strategy

Strategic sourcing is the process of taking a look at what goods and services your organization needs to run most effectively, and is implemented by taking a look at all available options and optimizing the spend of the organization. It implies a knowledge of the difference between minimizing total cost, and minimizing purchase price. It’s […]

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Sourcing from diverse suppliers.

Supplier Diversity Programs: Distinctions and How They’re Tracked

Supplier diversity has been a hot topic in recent years. Several organizations, whether they be in higher education, or the public or private sectors, have put an increased focus on defining and meeting quotas to ensure that they are doing business with DBE (disadvantaged business enterprise) suppliers. Here at Card Integrity, we’ve written several articles

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Strong internal controls are a necessity for internal auditors.

Hitting the Audit Trail: Strengthening Controls for Internal Auditing

Internal auditors have a lot on their plate. As the primary party responsible for keeping their organization’s financial controls stable, strong, and comprehensive, they play a significant role in ensuring compliance. They work on the organization’s behalf, finding areas of improvement, communicating with stakeholders, managing risk and detecting fraud. One of the ways they do

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