Card Integrity Communications

Procurement and AP departments working seamlessly.

Duplicate Payments: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt Your Business

In our article “Five Ways Your Company Might Be Overspending,” we introduced our five-part series on identifying and ending overspending. In this article of the series, we examine how a lack of knowledge about duplicate payments—due to a lack of visibility—can cause your company to overspend. How a lack of knowledge can cause overspending Overspending

Duplicate Payments: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt Your Business Read More »

Procurement professionals reviewing non compliant P-Card transactions.

The Weird, Wild, and Wacky World of P-Card Usage

When it comes to the use of purchasing cards, there’s the incorrect, there’s the inappropriate—and then there’s the insane. Uncle Ben’s famous quote “with great power comes great responsibility” applies to more than just fighting the Green Goblin, after all. By issuing your cardholders a P-Card, you’re trusting them not to abuse it. Importantly though,

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The challenges of higher education p-card programs

The Challenges of Higher Education P-Card Programs

Just as businesses and corporations of all types and sizes have taken advantage of the benefits and conveniences of purchasing card (P-Card) programs, so have higher education institutions. Some of the challenges and concerns of universities and colleges are identical to those of the business sector — but some are unique to higher education. Communicating

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Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in National Harbor outside Washington, DC.

NAEP EPIC Is Fast Approaching!

We’re excited to be returning to the National Association of Educational Procurement (NAEP)’s Annual Conference in 2024. You’ll find us at booth 422!Some major changes have been put in place by NAEP this year, starting with the most obvious: the name. NAEP has rebranded the annual conference to NAEP EPIC. EPIC stands for Educational Procurement

NAEP EPIC Is Fast Approaching! Read More »

Showing appreciation among employees during National Procurement Month

How to Show Your Appreciation During National Procurement Month

National Procurement Month is celebrated throughout the month of March and is dedicated to honoring purchasing professionals. This is a great time to show your appreciation for the dedication of your procurement team and all the hard work they do throughout the year. There are several ways to prepare for National Procurement Month, but this

How to Show Your Appreciation During National Procurement Month Read More »

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